While on the road you meet a lot of other travellers, and these people become your friends in a very short space of time. It's an interesting dynamic; if you get on a bus and there are other white people on there that speak English, then it's pretty much certain that you will be best friends before the journey ends.

We made lots of friends in Goa, but our favourites were three American guys called Henry, Julian & Holden. They were from Illinois, had just finished high school and were travelling around India and Nepal for two months. Hilarious guys, just absolute legends. We would all cruise around town on our bikes, eat at the same restaurant every day, hang out at their house and watch Jackie Chan movies and just laugh at how homeless they looked after two months on the road.
Henry was kinda their leader, and he would dream up these adventures for us to go on, like swimming to secret beaches, building shelters out of trees and catching crabs for dinner. He even cooked us a traditional Indian meal one night, absolute hero.
There was one day with those guys that will stick in my memory forever. I won't go into details now, but hope to write a short story sometime about what happened that day. Title: "Escape from Paradise Beach".

Another thing. MOTORCYCLES ARE AWESOME!! We hired little Honda scooters and tore through the jungle in shorts and flip-flops, swerving past people, cows, trucks and elephants. We just got given the keys to these things, and I almost killed several Indian women during the first five minutes. Crazy fun.

Another great guy we met was a little dude from Nepal called Cookie! He owned this little food place and was so friendly and crazy that everyone just hung out there. We went most nights and him and his friends would make awesome food, tell stories from Nepal or just break out some random Poi. Absolute hero.
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