-Buttertarts: These magical treats are just little tarts with this awesome buttery, caramely filling. They are one of these Canadian staples that no-one else has ever heard of, but fear not! One of the girls from the kitchen has given me the recipe and it's coming home soon!

-TIM HORTON'S: Timmys really deserves a whole post of its own. It may seem like just a coffee shop that sells doughnuts, but really it's a Canadian institution. First thing is that they are EVERYWHERE. You are never far away from what you know and love. Second is that it's prices are so reasonable. I could get a cup of tea and my favourite doughnut (honey kruller) for well under $2. Everything is fresh am baked/brewed not too long ago. The third thing is that it's open almost all the time! Late on a Friday night the place is full of all sorts of people, families, bikers, old people, gamers, it's just a place to chill. Nothing says Canada to me like sitting in the car park, on the back of your pickup truck drinking coffee with your buddies (all wearing plaid shirts of course).

-Lakes: Because it's hot in the summer you don't need to go far for a holiday. Canada has tens of thousands of lakes dotted everywhere, you can just stay in a cabin in the woods with a little pier or rope swing and have the time of your life! Lakes are so good to swim in, nice fresh warm water and although there is no waves, who cares when you can wakeboard!

But some things aren't so good and NI still reigns supreme!
-Getting eaten alive: Probably the worst thing. Moskitioes, black flies, there are just so many things that will bite you!

-TAX ON EVERYTHING: This is so annoying. Something has a $10 price tag, so you go up to the till with your $10 bill and then it comes to $11. 28! Why couldn't they just work it out beforehand like every other country!

-Bad Grass: The grass is terrible. So dry its like walking on straw. I miss the green fields of home...

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