So after camp, me and my buddy Tread (Taylor Read, aka T. Read) hit the road!
First thing we did was head to Toronto and stay the night at Will's house with some other guys from camp. We hit up Chili's for our first meal and felt like free men. Will's parents were super nice and treated us like family. It was the first time I had been in a proper house in 2 months.
We slept most of the next day and then went into Toronto to cash our cheques and skate a bit. We didn't make it to the bank in time (boo!) but ate some incredible bakery bread and then went to the skate park. It was called Ashbridges plaza and was the best thing I have ever skated, so much fun!

Will and the rest of the guys were heading to Montreal that night so we had a great home cooked meal, said our goodbyes and then heading for Hamilton, where our friend Sarah lives.
We stayed with Sarah that night and the next morning she rustled up some eggs and then showed us the sights! We went to another skate park and as Sarah and Tread both taught skateboarding all this summer, after about 10 minutes they each had a trail of kids following them round the park! Hamilton in apparently the waterfall capital of the world so we went and saw some falls!
We didn't really have a plan for the trip and were just playing each day by ear. We said goodbye to Sarah and headed for London and called up Tread's friend's aunt and uncle.
These people were incredible. They weren't at home, but told us to let ourselves in and chill in the pool until they got home! So we did, tried some backflips off the diving board and then I eventually met this wonderful couple, Glen and Ingrid.
A random middle-aged couple of estate agents who turned out to be some of the most interesting and loving people I have ever met! As the night went on we just talked and talked and talked. They just kept feeding us amazing food and I guess we didn't know how hungry we really were! We stayed the night and were so blessed being there and spending time with them. We left their house the next day with full bellies, our heads buzzing with ideas and our hearts soaring. Incredible.
We headed off towards the border; the U.S.A. awaited us!
So.....I guess you're not going to be available for sound setup this sunday! Keep it lit! Sounds like an adventure in the making as you head south!